We are all boiling frogs…

Cartoons from my regular strip in New Internationalist Magazine. We are all boiling frogs.   Image description: two frogs in a pan of water on a gas ring. First frog exclaims, in anguish, “Melting ice! Record-breaking temperatures! Unexpected flooding! We should be worried about climate change RIGHT NOW!!!”. Second frog is laid-back and unworried. “Oh, you’re such a doom-monger. Why can’t … Read More

21st Century Cop Out

A comic history of the COP climate negotiations. “I laughed so much I nearly choked.” – Susan, Indonesia. This cartoon first appeared as part of New Internationalist’s excellent online coverage of the 2015 Paris Climate Summit.        

The Funny Side of Climate Change

Read the interview with me in Scientific American: ‘The Funny Side of Climate Change’, featuring my Carbon Supermarket cartoon.  

Funny Weather ebook now available.

Funny Weather is now available as an ebook from the excellent digital comix people Sequential. The full-length comic that explains everything you didn’t want to know about climate change, but probably should find out, for less than three quid! Btw, I drew that book cover years before the floods. It’s hard being ahead of the times once the times catch up … Read More

We really are having some funny weather at the moment.

Well, that didn’t take long. I drew this book cover eight years ago. I grew up in Weybridge in Surrey. That’s my mum and my sister in that car, so although you’d not know by looking, this picture is based there. Weybridge today.   Is there anything that you don’t want to know about climate change but probably should find … Read More

Carbon Supermarket

Read my companion comic to Funny Weather. The international response to climate change can be summed up in two broad strands. Firstly, there’s all the things we should be doing, but aren’t. Then, there’s all the stuff we are doing, but shouldn’t be. Carbon trading falls into this second category, and this cartoon explains why. Copies of the comic were … Read More