This is the book for you!
Trying for a baby? Avoiding a baby? Losing a baby (sniff sniff)? Growing a baby? Birthing a baby? Traditionally or surgically?
Bump is the book I always needed to write about the gynocolgical rollercoaster that is conception, pregnancy and birth. It is a pick your own adventure book where you can skip to the chapters that are relevant for you. Because there is more than one good way to have a baby. Bump cuts through the bullshit and tells you what it is really like to get pregnant and give birth. It includes references to all the latest obstetic research that you may be feeling slightly too fuzzy headed to trawl through yourself.
And it is funny!
There are so many comedic moments in getting and being pregnant.
- Why do you feel like a psychobitch from hell?
- Why do you feel like a contented cow?
- Why do you want to eat that?
- Why do you totally not want to eat that even though you bought loads of it yesterday?
320 pages of wit, wisdom and cartoons.
Illustrated throughout with funky cartoons, a signed copy of Bump with a personal dedication is yours for just £20 (within the UK) or £25 (‘foreign climes’). Or read the excerpts below and then see what you think.

Early Pregnancy, Smells, Sickness and Hunger – excerpt from Bump

One Comment on “Bump the book: how to make, grow and birth a baby”
This book took me through my second pregnancy. I cannot express enough how empowering, on-point and well-researched this book is. Particularly the cartoon depictions of the birthing process are pure gold. They touched me so much I actually had the book by my side during my home birth. It was a source of strength and inspiration. Everyone who can conceive should read this book.