What are refugees? Why are they coming here? What happens when they get here? Read this fun ‘choose your misadventure’ story, and find out… HOW TO HELP Please consider a donating to either of these charities: Bristol Refugee Rights is a charity providing practical support to asylum seekers in Bristol, and fighting for their rights and entitlements. BRR’s … Read More
The Threads excerpts on the Internets
A few different media outlets have been intrigued by my latest graphic novel, and ran Threads excerpts. Vice.com took a section about the impressive volunteer relief effort in Calais. They laid it out really nicely, and it’s lovely self-contained section. Unfortunately, they then added the horrendously click-baity title “Inside the Notorious Camp Where Refugees Sewed Their Lips Shut” which, frankly, made … Read More
The problem is not going to go away
Kate Evans is the creator of the recently published, and critically acclaimed, Red Rosa, a graphic biography of the revolutionary Rosa Luxemburg, but her most recent comic is set not in the past but in the present: Threads: The Calais Cartoon is her account of volunteering in the Calais Jungle refugee camp, France. The short online comic shows the human side of a … Read More
The power of graphic journalism
How does it feel to be a refugee in Calais? To be living in a tent in the shantytown known as the Jungle? Who are these people who have risked everything on the chance of a new life? These are the questions cartoonist Kate Evans asks in her new book Threads. An example of graphic reportage, Evans went and worked … Read More
Read the first chapter. Threads: the Calais Cartoon
This is the original blog post that I wrote in October 2015 after a brief visit to the Calais Jungle refugee camp. Threads: the Calais cartoon. After I got back, the comic kind of vomited itself out of me. I was overwhelmed by the experience of meeting the people living in the Jungle, but that’s nothing compared to the reality … Read More
A day at Dunkirk refugee camp.
“The worst refugee camp in the world” Here’s some art that I’ve worked up, potentially for the Dunkirk refugee camp section of Threads. It’s historic now, in that the camp was closed down and replaced with a far better one in March of this year. It’s still good to make a record of what has been described as the worst … Read More
Read the sample: ‘Threads from the Refugee Crisis’
More threads from the refugee crisis. I have some additional material from Calais that I’m planning to incorporate into a graphic novel, forthcoming from Verso 2017. I worked up some colour pages, to see how long it takes. Coloured pencil is such a lovely medium. It still takes ages tho. If reading this inspires you to practical action, www.calaidipedia.co.uk has … Read More